Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Selepas penyebaran meluas secara per cuma di Muar kelmarin, DVD tersebut dikatakan mula disebarkan pula ke daerah Batu Pahat hari ini.
Rakaman hubungan seks itu yang diam bil menerusi kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) selama sejam dipercayai dirakamkan di dalam sebuah bilik hotel.
Bagaimanapun, lokasi hotel itu tidak diketahui.
Sejak laporan mengenai DVD itu tersiar dalam beberapa akhbar berbahasa Cina hari ini, DVD tersebut dikatakan ‘disembu nyikan’ oleh para pengedar kerana bim bang tindakan polis.
DVD itu mengandungi dua bahagian iaitu A dan B yang diedar secara percuma di beberapa lokasi sejak malam semalam.
Bahagian A memaparkan aksi lucah hu bungan seks antara seorang lelaki yang didakwa sebagai pemimpin politik dengan seorang wanita menggunakan satu kamera CCTV.
Bahagian B pula menayangkan rakaman hubungan seks dari empat penjuru dari pada kamera CCTV berlainan melibatkan ‘pelakon’ yang sama.
Berdasarkan gerak tubuh dan bayangan dalam DVD itu, masyarakat di Muar per caya ia hampir 70 peratus menyerupai wajah pemimpin politik tersebut.
Namun, percakapan serta wajah pemim pin itu dari dekat tidak begitu jelas digam barkan di dalam DVD itu.
Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, Ketua Polis Johor, Datuk Hussin Ismail yang dihubungi Utusan Malaysia petang ini memberitahu, pihaknya masih belum me nerima sebarang laporan berhubung pe nyebaran DVD itu.
“Sehingga petang ini belum ada laporan yang diterima, justeru kita tidak boleh siasat dan buat apa-apa kenyataan setakat ini,” katanya- Utusan
Apabila berlakunya skandal seks sebegini, dan polis belum dapat jawapan lagi siapaah yag terlibat, maka orangramai akan membuat telahan sendiri. Pasti ada yang akan tuduh si anu, si anu.
Jadi tindakan terbaik ialah pihak polis hendaklah segera menjejaki ‘pelakon aksi lucah’ tersebut bagi menutup spekulasi-spekulasi yang tidak tepat.
making money - senarai rangkaian keyword
senarai rangkaian keyword
Di hantar di Adsense, Keywords by Affuan di Januari 18th, 2008
seperti yang kita sumer tahu (ye ke sumer tahu? haha), keyword adalah amat penting untuk “menimbulkan” iklan2 berkaitan dengan niche content yang dibuat di satu2 blog. ye la. mesti mau iklan2 yang berkaitan kan? korang mesti tak harapkan akan kuar iklan pasal “belilah bra bermacam2 kaler ini” di blog niche tentang modofikasi kereta. haru wooo.. kui3. untuk itu, aku dah sediakan bermacam2 tool untuk student (yang rajin bertanya & menunggu) aku. antaranya adalah keyword external. tool ni banyak kali dah aku outline kan. kalo ada orang tanya lagi, memang aku hangin satu badan kurus aku nih. muahaha.
untuk menggunakannya, aku rasa sumer dah tahu (ye ke? lantak lah. haha). di sini ada sedikit tweak yang korang boleh enhance dengan menggunakan tool ni. baca elok2 ok. kang aku cucuk bijik mata tu baru tahu. garang sungguh cikgu nih. waahaha.
sekarang, cuba bukak tool tu. katakan korang membuat blog pasal “making money”. taipkan “making money” dalam kotak tuh. lihat gambagajah :D gambarajah aku letak kat bawah nih.
ha! ambik ko! rich of related keywords kowang dapat. haha! jadi, jangan pandang je keyword2 tu macam tikus mondok yang tensen melihat kucing garang. nak terkam tapi apakan daya. kui3. jadi lah macam tikus pasar yang boleh wat dek je lalu tepi kucing kerana body mereka lebih bosa dari kucing. hehe. maksud aku, impian kena “bosa” macam body tikus2 itu sebab sesungguhnya masa pesaing mencemburui kita. ngee.. apa yang perlu korang buat adalah: ambik keyword catchy (kalo boleh ambik semua) dan gunakannya untuk membuat satu artikel yang bakal dipost di blog niche tentang “making money” korang tuh. gitu la. as simple as that. susah ke? tak mahal sangat pun tips nih tapi tak ramai yang tahu tapi tak guna. that’s the act of procrastination ok.
oleh itu, ambik masa untuk buat semua aku tulis tu. aku doakan korang berjaya. kalo tak paham, dipersilakan drop komen. kalo takde, aku anggap sumer orang paham atau takde orang baca. kui3.
p/s: peduli haper aku kalo orang tak baca sebab niat aku cuma ingin kongsi. kalo tak pandai nak menilai, lantak lah. kurang sikit persaingan aku dengan korang dalam SEO nanti. hehe.
Paparazzi Snapper Wants to Marry Britney Spears and Get Her Pregnant
Britney Spears is desperate to have another baby, says her paparazzo ex-boyfriend. Photographer Adnan Ghalib - in his first interview about his relationship with the ‘Gimme More’ singer - denied pictures of the pair buying a pregnancy test were staged. He said: “Britney has a very maternal instinct. She was feeling a lot of things she said she felt when she was pregnant. I think she was hoping she was pregnant with my child.” Adnan also quashed rumours Britney has a restraining order against him, adding their relationship is “far from over”.
17 minutes ago
Ron Paul takes 2nd in LA caucuses
The Louisiana GOP is reporting a second place showing for Congressman Ron Paul who was bested by John McCain. Technically, uncommited, pro-life took more delegates than anyone, but this has got to be music to the ears of Ron Paul and his supporters. “Preliminary results show that a majority of the 105 state convention delegates who have been elected ran on a statewide pro-life uncommitted slate,” Villere said. “I congratulate the candidates and supporters of this group on their victory and look forward to working with them to keep our Party platform pro-life at the state and national conventions,” he said.
13 minutes ago
What’s new in Naruto: Ninja Destiny
What’s new in Naruto: Ninja Destiny Written by: Spencer on January 23rd, 2008 @ 4:57 pm I just got off the phone with Tomy and D3 Publisher to ask a few questions in about Naruto: Ninja Destiny. I’ll spare you the basics about the 3D fighting system and how the Sannin are the three new characters in the US version to get straight to the news. The short story is the fighting system is essentially the same as the Japanese version.
53 minutes ago
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Chua Soi Lek
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Datuk Seri Dr.
Chua Soi Lek
蔡细历 (Chinese)
Malaysian Chinese Association National Vice President
In office
24 March 2004 – 2 January 2008
Malaysian Minister of Health
In office
24 March 2004 – 2 January 2008
Preceded by Chua Jui Meng
Succeeded by Ong Ka Ting (acting)
Member of Parliament
for Labis
In office
24 March 2004 – 2 January 2008
Preceded by Tun Dr. Ling Liong Sik
Succeeded by To be chosen
Born 2 January 1947 (1947-01-02) (age 61)
Flag of Johor Batu Pahat, Johor
Political party Malayan Chinese Association (MCA) part of Barisan Nasional
Spouse Datin Seri Wong Sek Hin
Occupation Psychiatrist
Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek (Simplified Chinese: 蔡细历; born 2 Jan 1947) also known as Chua Kin Seng, is a former Malaysian politician from the state of Johor. He is married to Datin Seri Wong Sek Hin. They have three children.
He was trained in psychology and practiced psychiatry before entering politics through his involvement with the Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA). He held the post of Minister of Health from 2004 until 2008.
* 1 Political career
* 2 Sex scandal
* 3 References
* 4 External links
[edit] Political career
Chua set up his medical practice in 1977 after serving as a medical officer at the Batu Pahat Hospital. He sold the clinic in 1990 to pursue a full-time career in politics with MCA.
He was first elected as a state assemblyman for Penggaram, Johor on MCA's ticket in 1986. He continued to serve Penggaram for 18 years through four consecutive state elections. Later, he became a state executive councilor. In the 2004 general election, he contested for the Labis parliamentary seat under the Barisan Nasional coalition and claimed victory. Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi appointed Chua into the Malaysian cabinet as the Minister of Health following that victory.
He held several prominent posts throughout his later career. He was the Member of Parliament for Labis, a MCA vice-president, Johor MCA state liaison committee chairman as well as Batu Pahat MCA division chairman until he resigned from public as well as political offices on January 2, 2008 due to a scandal.[1]
Chua later remarked his downfall was due to his dedication to his work as Health Minister and MCA Vice-President, which caused his political rivals to grow suspicious of him.[2]
[edit] Sex scandal
On January 1, 2008, Chua admitted that he was the person featured in a sex DVD that was circulated in Johor. The girl was allegedly one of his personal friends. The two DVDs were distributed anonymously in Muar and other towns in Johor show Dr Chua having sex with a young woman. The DVDs are believed to be wireless hidden camera recordings in a hotel suite.
He claimed no involvement in the filming or production of the DVD in question, further stating that he would not resign over the scandal, instead leaving it up to Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to decide whether to allow him to continue holding his position.[3] On January 2, 2008, he formally announced his resignation from all posts including Member of Parliament for Labis, Vice Presidency of the MCA, and as Health Minister at a press conference.[4]
Chua refused to comment on who might be the person behind the making of the DVD, but stated that his biggest mistake was to use the same hotel and the same room.[5]
[edit] References
1. ^ "Chua – highly experienced", 2008-01-01. Retrieved on 2008-01-01.
2. ^ "Chua blames downfall on hard work", 2008-01-04. Retrieved on 2008-01-04.
3. ^ "I am the one in the sex DVD, says Chua", 2008-01-01. Retrieved on 2008-01-01.
4. ^ "Chua resigns after sex scandal", 2008-01-02. Retrieved on 2008-01-02.
5. ^ "Batu Pahat hotel - centre of attraction after video sex scandal", 2008-01-03. Retrieved on 2008-01-03.
[edit] External links
* Chua Soi Lek Official Parliament website profile.
* Partial transcript of a Q&A session regarding the sex DVD. New Straits Times
Thursday, November 22, 2007
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Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Thanksgiving eCards
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Scott McClellan
Scott McClellan in the press room of the White House | |
| |
In office July 17, 2003 – April 26, 2006 | |
Preceded by | Ari Fleischer |
Succeeded by | Tony Snow |
| |
Born | February 14, 1968 (1968-02-14) (age 39) |
Political party | Republican |
Scott McClellan (born February 14, 1968) is a former White House Press Secretary (2003-2006) for President George W. Bush.
On April 19, 2006, McClellan announced that he would be leaving the Administration but that he would remain in the position of Press Secretary until a replacement was selected. Tony Snow was announced as McClellan's replacement on April 26, 2006.
Born in Austin, Texas, McClellan is the youngest son of Carole Keeton Strayhorn, former Texas state comptroller and former 2006 independent Texas gubernatorial candidate, and attorney Barr McClellan. McClellan's brother Mark McClellan headed the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and formerly was Commissioner for the Food and Drug Administration. McClellan is the grandson of the late W. Page Keeton, longtime Dean of the University of Texas School of Law and renowned expert in tort law.
After graduating from The University of Texas at Austin, where he was president of the Sigma Phi Epsilon Texas Alpha Chapter, McClellan was the three-time campaign manager for his mother, former Texas Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn. In addition, he worked on political grassroots efforts and was the Chief of Staff to a Texas State Senator.
Karen Hughes, Governor Bush's communications director, hired him to be Bush's deputy press secretary. McClellan served as Governor Bush's traveling press secretary during the 2000 Presidential election. McClellan became White House Deputy Press Secretary in 2003. McClellan replaced Ari Fleischer, who stepped down as White House Press Secretary on July 15, 2003. McClellan announced his resignation as Press Secretary on April 19, 2006; on April 26, it was announced that Fox News pundit Tony Snow would succeed him in the position.
Involvement in cover up of Valerie Plame Affair
At a press briefing on October 10th, 2003, McClellan asserted that the allegations of Karl Rove's and Scooter Libby's involvment in the leak of CIA Valerie Plame's identity were false.[1] However, in excerpts from his book "What Happened" to be published in the spring of 2008 by Public Affairs Books, McClellan reveals that the statements were untrue.[2] From the excerpt:"The most powerful leader in the world had called upon me to speak on his behalf and help restore credibility he lost amid the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. So I stood at the White house briefing room podium in front of the glare of the klieg lights for the better part of two weeks and publicly exonerated two of the senior-most aides in the White House: Karl Rove and Scooter Libby.
"There was one problem. It was not true.
"I had unknowingly passed along false information. And five of the highest ranking officials in the administration were involved in my doing so: Rove, Libby, the vice President, the President's chief of staff, and the president himself."[3]
Info From:
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Roast Turkey Recipes
Mom's Roast Turkey Recipe
Turkey ready to go in the oven
My mom's turkey is unlike others. The breast meat isn't dried out, requiring cupfuls of gravy to taste good, but moist and flavorful. I've been watching her make our family turkey for years. Finally a few years ago she let me make it, giving instructions the entire time. Here I am, ready to put it in the oven. Mom's method is to buy the best quality turkey available (organic, free-range, etc.) and cook it breast-side down. She also cooks the turkey stuffing separately, not in the cavity, which makes it easier to cook the turkey more evenly.
Preparation time: About 5 hours.
- 1 turkey, approx. 15 lbs.*
- Juice of a lemon
- Salt and pepper
- Olive oil or melted butter
- 1/2 yellow onion, peeled and quartered
- Tops and bottoms of a bunch of celery
- 2 carrots
- Parsley
- Sprigs of fresh rosemary, thyme
* Need help figuring out how big a turkey to get? Butterball has a turkey calculator that helps you figure out just how many pounds you need. In general, plan for:
12-15 lb turkey for 10-12 people
15-18 lb turkey for 14-16 people
18-22 lb turkey for 20-22 people
1 To start, if the turkey has been refrigerated, bring it to room temperature before cooking. Keep it in its plastic wrapping until you are ready to cook it. While in the refrigerator, and or while you are bringing it to room temp, have the bird resting in a pan, so that if the plastic covering leaks for any reason, you are confining the juices to the pan. If you get a frozen turkey, you will need to defrost it in the refrigerator for several days first. Allow approximately 5 hours of defrosting for every pound. So, if you have a 15 pound turkey, it will take about 75 hours to defrost it in the refrigerator, or around 3 days.
Handle a raw turkey with the same amount of caution as when you handle raw chicken - use a separate cutting board and utensils to avoid contaminating other foods. Wash you hands with soap before touching anything else in the kitchen. Use paper towels to clean up.
Remove the neck and giblets (heart, gizzard, liver). Use the heart and gizzard for making stock for the stuffing. The neck can be cooked along side the turkey or saved for turkey soup.
Note that if your turkey comes with a plastic piece holding the legs together, check the instructions on the turkey's package. Most likely you do not need to remove those plastic ties for cooking (unless you plan to cook your turkey at a very high temperature). If you remove the plastic ties, you will need to use kitchen string to tie the legs together.
2 Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.
3 Wash out the turkey with water. Pull out any remaining feather stubs in the turkey skin. Pat the turkey dry with paper towels. Lather the inside of the cavity with the juice of half a lemon. Take a small handful of salt and rub all over the inside of the turkey.
4 In this method of cooking a turkey, we don't make the stuffing in the turkey because doing so adds too much to the cooking time. For flavor, put in inside the turkey a half a yellow onion, peeled and quartered, a bunch of parsley, a couple of carrots, and some tops and bottoms of celery. You may need to cap the body cavity with some aluminum foil so that the stuffing doesn't easily fall out. Close up the turkey cavity with either string (not nylon string!) or metal skewers. Make sure that the turkey's legs are tied together, held close to the body, and tie a string around the turkey body to hold the wings in close.
The neck cavity can be stuffed with parsley and tied closed with thin skewers and string.
5 Rub either melted butter or olive oil all over the outside of the turkey. Sprinkle salt generously all over the outside of the turkey (or have had it soaking in salt-water brine before starting this process). Sprinkle pepper over the turkey.
6 Place turkey BREAST DOWN on the bottom of a rack over a sturdy roasting pan big enough to catch all the drippings. This is the main difference between the way mom makes turkey and everyone else. Cooking the turkey breast down means the skin over the breast will not get so brown. However, all of the juices from the cooking turkey will fall down into the breast while cooking. And the resulting bird will have the most succulent turkey breast imaginable.
Add several sprigs of fresh (if possible) thyme and rosemary to the outside of the turkey.
7 Chop up the turkey giblets (gizzard, heart, liver). Put into a small saucepan, cover with water, add salt. Bring to simmer for an hour or so to help make stock for the stuffing (see stuffing recipe).
8 Put the turkey in the oven. Check the cooking directions on the turkey packaging. Gourmet turkeys often don't take as long to cook. With the turkeys mom gets, she recommends cooking time of about 15 minutes for every pound. For the 15 lb turkey, start the cooking at 400 F for the first 1/2 hour. Then reduce the heat to 350 F for the next 2 hours. Then reduce the heat further to 225 F for the next hour to hour and a half.
If you want the breast to be browned as well, you can turn over the bird for the last 15-20 minutes of cooking, at an oven temp of 300°F. (Oven must be at least 250°F for browning to occur.) Note that if you do this, you will have a higher risk of overcooking the turkey breast. We never worry about browning the breast.
Start taking temperature readings with a meat thermometer, inserted deep into the thickest part of the turkey breast and thigh, a half hour before the turkey should be done. The dark meat in the thigh should be about 175 F. The white meat in the breast should be 160 F to 165 F. If you don't have a meat thermometer, spear the breast with a knife. The turkey juices should be clear, not pink.
9 Once you remove the turkey from the oven, let it rest for 15-20 minutes. Turn the turkey breast side up to carve it. (See Chow video on carving a turkey and Bon Appetit's instructions on how to carve a turkey.)
Making Turkey Gravy
Scrape all the drippings off of the bottom of the roasting pan. Pour drippings into a smaller skillet. Ladle off excess fat with a gravy spoon and save for possible use later. In a separate small bowl take a quarter cup of corn starch and add just enough water to dissolve the corn starch. Beat cornstarch with a spoon to remove lumps. Slowly add the cornstarch mixture to the drippings, stirring constantly. You may not end up using all of the cornstarch mixture. Only add as much as you need to get the desired thickness. Allow time for the cornstarch to thicken the gravy. Add salt, pepper, sage, thyme, or other seasonings to taste.
Save Bones for Stock
When you are finished with your turkey, save the bones from the carcass to make a delicious turkey soup.
Info From: